Monday, September 20, 2010

Euphorbia Hirta Tawa-tawa Herbal Tea

The oldest remedies known to mankind are herbal medicines. India is known worldwide for its Ayurvedic treatment. Euphorbia hirta is often used traditionally for female disorders, respiratory ailments (cough, coryza, bronchitis, and asthma), worm infestations in children, dysentery, jaundice, pimples, gonorrhea, digestive problems, and tumors. It is reported to contain alkanes, triterpenes, phytosterols, tannins, polyphenols, and flavanoids. This review describes the medicinal properties, chemical constituents, and other important aspects of Euphorbia hirta.

Keywords: Antioxidant, antimalarial, antibacterial, euphorbia hirta

n India use of the different parts of several medicinal plants to cure specific ailments has been in vogue from ancient times. The indigenous system of medicine, namely, Ayurvedic, Siddha, and Unani, has been in existence for several centuries. Some drugs from Ayurveda approaches modern diseases, have already reached the market place. [1] In modern medicines, plants occupy a very important place as the raw material for some important drugs. Synthetic drugs are effective in controlling different diseases but these synthetic drugs are out of reach of millions of people. It is estimated that around 70,000 plant species have been used for medicinal purposes. The herbs provide the starting material for the synthesis of conventional drugs. Medicinal plants have curative actions due to the presence of complex chemical constituents. India recognizes more than 2500 plant species having medicinal value, Sri Lanka around 1400, and Nepal around 700. [2] This review intends to provide an overview of the chemical constituents and pharmacological actions of Euphorbia hirta.

Its common names are - Cats hair, asthma weed, basri dudhi, chara, malnommee, pill - bearing spurge, patikan kerbau, patikan kebo, fei yang cao, gelang susu, amampat chaiarisi, erva de santa luzia.

It is a very common annual herb. In India new plants start appearing in the wild soon after the first shower of monsoon and start developing very fast.No sooner than the plant grows a length of few centimeters, flowering starts in the plant.

Pollination is principally brought about by insects or especially by ants. Seeds get dispersed through simple mechanical process. Though a number of seeds get destroyed and eaten up by birds and insects, it does not cause any impact on the general population density of the plant due to abundance of its seeds.

Scientists and researchers have isolated a number of chemical compounds out of this plant.Some of the important phytochemicals that have been isolated from the extract of Euphorbia hirta are - sterols, alkaloids, tannins, glycosides, triterpenoids, alkenes, phenolic acids, choline, and shikimic acid. The plant extract has been reported to possess anti viral and anti bacterial properties.

Asthma weed has traditionally been used in Asia to treat bronchitic asthma and laryngeal spasm, though in modern herbalism it is more used in the treatment of intestinal amoebic dysentery. It should not be used without expert guidance, however, since large doses cause gastro-intestinal irritation, nausea and vomiting.

A number of companies prepare different types of medicines from the plant Euphorbia hirta across the globe. Many chemists prescribe extract of Euphorbia hirta for the treatment of asthma and for the treatments of other ailments. Euphorbia leaf- tea is very common for asthma patients but it is recommended that direct use of this plant may not be safe every time.

Key Words: Euphorbia hirta, asthma weed, habitat,chemical compounds, chemists, plant extract, duddhi, annual herb, treatment, ailment

In The Philippines
Know as Tawa-tawa, A flurry of queries and web blogs, gatas-gatas has found new interest for gatas-gatas (tawa-tawa) for its use in dengue, with increasing (Platelet's) anecdotal reports of "cures."

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